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Good day, I am sending a description of the problem with tinycontrol, the unit dies after 10 minutes.
Bootloader SW=1.3

LK HW=3.8

HW version 3.8

SW version 1.52

set ip address





after approx. 10 minutes after switching on, the following state will occur

tinycontrol is  taking a long time to respond to ping

from 200ms to 3900ms and then the unit stops responding to ping completely.

the http or https interface is not available at this time.

after reboot everything works normally.

When the ping starts to get longer, the putty console starts to be written out:

http_poll: too many retries, close

When i was changed the default ip address,

after the changing the result is the same.

When i was enabled HTTPS /same result

When i was changed fw from 1.49 to 1.52 / result same unit is unavailable.

ping responses:

Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=255

and the next ping not respond, there is no increase in delay.

the length of the run is 4-10 min.

disconnecting the eth cable and re-connecting it has no effect on the status.

I am attaching the log from the putty console.

Please help to solve the problem.
Thank you in advance for your reply Tomas Hofman

Is the problem with default settings (except network settings)? Are there any sensors connected to the device?

Are there a lot of devices connected in the local network?
No sensors are connected to the device.
I purchased the inductive current sensor SCT-013-030 but haven't connected it yet
This is the new LK? Or has it been used for a long time?

Do a test, connect the LK to the power supply, but do not connect to the network. After about 20 minutes, connect the network and see how the web is loading normally. What browser are you using and operating system?
I bought the module on 7/22/2022 at
It is new out of the box.

(08-04-2022, 08:38 AM)tomas.hofman napisał(a): [ -> ]I bought the module on 7/22/2022 at
It is new out of the box.
I am using w10 64bit
Google chrome latest version 104.0.5112
Microsoft edge latest version 103.0.1264

Connected power supply disconnected network cable
waiting 20 minutes
Network cable connected
ping responded to the address 1ms about 80 responses
We tried to log in at the same time as the ping.
the login window started, but after entering the name and password (admin/admin) the login failed
after entering the name and password for the second time, the ping stopped responding.
I think my colleague loops some task and beats the processes into fear. let it set itself factory or it will fall apart,
Restart to factory settings and connect LK directly to computer with LAN cable, no switch / router needed.
I am testing after a factory reset.
(08-04-2022, 08:40 PM)tomas.hofman napisał(a): [ -> ]I am testing after a factory reset.

Test result
Reset to factory settings
The PC is connected only with a tinycontrol network cable, there is no connectivity to the Internet or other technologies.

the ping responded to the address
We logged in at the same time as the ping.

files ping-4-192-168-1-100.txt and putty-tinycontrol-com3-v4-192-168-1-100.txt are from the beginning of the reset
tinycontrol worked with this setting for 2 hours without any problems.

Set required ip
The PC is connected only with a tinycontrol network cable, there is no connectivity to the Internet or other technologies.

ping responded to
We logged in at the same time as the ping.

The files ping-5-172-16-32-124.txt and putty-tinycontrol-com3-v5-172-16-32-124.txt are from the start with the new IP address
tinycontrol worked with this setting for 7 hours without any problems.

In the afternoon I will perform tests with the Internet connection and report back.

Thank you for your help, whether the problem is solved.
Set required ip

PC connected to the Internet , tinycontrol network cable connect to the internet.

ping responded to
We logged in at the same time as the ping.

tinycontrol with this setting works for 1 day and 23 hours without a problem.


After uploading the new firmware, I did a factory reset, then tinycontrol started working without a problem.
  SW 1.52 HW 3.8

Thank you for your help in solving my problem.