12-24-2016, 11:19 PM
I use such a controller since almost three years. I did not face problems until now but not from side of controller itself.
In order to receive mails for specific events and the necessary mail account should not have SSL, I did not find other mail provider than Polish postal office with a mail type username@02.pl. It worked well until three, four months before since it stopped being usable. I did not open the mail in any browser and I understood that the account is automatically blocked if you do not open your account in term of three months...
I did that but they increased the security check and have a way to discover that the mail is sent by an automation software and they block the account. When I enter the email account I am obliged to change the password because a virus or something like that is using my account...
I do not understand any Polish and I also do not know if possible to explain them the purpose and the way I use it... But I am afraid that they will block it forever. I could not create an account with my country IP, so I created one for a Polish address taken from internet...
Now, is it a way to avoid such a problem?
Do you know some other mail account provider without SSL? Is it a possibility to inform the actual provider about the scope of using it and they to accept that? If yes, can somebody help me? My login credentials are not confidential. I use this account only for LAN Controller...
Is it any chance a new firmware for this HW 1.2 to exist in order to deal with SSL?
Thanks in advance!
I use such a controller since almost three years. I did not face problems until now but not from side of controller itself.
In order to receive mails for specific events and the necessary mail account should not have SSL, I did not find other mail provider than Polish postal office with a mail type username@02.pl. It worked well until three, four months before since it stopped being usable. I did not open the mail in any browser and I understood that the account is automatically blocked if you do not open your account in term of three months...
I did that but they increased the security check and have a way to discover that the mail is sent by an automation software and they block the account. When I enter the email account I am obliged to change the password because a virus or something like that is using my account...
I do not understand any Polish and I also do not know if possible to explain them the purpose and the way I use it... But I am afraid that they will block it forever. I could not create an account with my country IP, so I created one for a Polish address taken from internet...
Now, is it a way to avoid such a problem?
Do you know some other mail account provider without SSL? Is it a possibility to inform the actual provider about the scope of using it and they to accept that? If yes, can somebody help me? My login credentials are not confidential. I use this account only for LAN Controller...
Is it any chance a new firmware for this HW 1.2 to exist in order to deal with SSL?
Thanks in advance!