(03-10-2023, 09:03 PM)stAch napisał(a): Hello. Recently, I needed to invert the voltage value returned on the sensor. Ni DIFF and energy came to the rescue.
A simple example of operating in the style of variable * any number in DIFF
set the number that interests us in the free Energy position, e.g. P/E6 and click set energies - power and energy tab and uncheck the tick if it is on "count energy" so that this value does not change changed
our variable, the numerical value is now energy6 and in the DIFF output tab, we do any action on it, examples below.
Using the DIFF position, you can get a percentage value from any max min range of the input
for example, the level sensor in the MAX position returns 250 and in the MIN position values close to zero (if not, calibrate before) DIFF * 250 will return beautiful % values of this sensor duck life If you are struggling with negative values -1500, create a "subcarrier" duck life
inpa1 + 5000 and you are already operating on positive values with inpa1
Regards... maybe someone will find it useful if they have free counter fields
It was a hassle thanks for the update.