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LK3 integration to VICTRON ModBus
Hello all,

I wonder if there is anybody with practical experience of connecting LK3 (SW1.49d | HW3.8) to Victron Modbus. So far I think there is only possible to use "custom" module and raw TCP.

Thanks for any info in advance.
Best regrads
(08-23-2022, 10:37 AM)maxvatar napisał(a): Hello all,

I wonder if there is anybody with practical experience of connecting LK3 (SW1.49d | HW3.8) to Victron Modbus. So far I think there is only possible to use "custom" module and raw TCP.

Thanks for any info in advance.
Best regrads

Hi maxvatar
Can you explain me more what  this Victron Modbus exactly is?
As I found in their materials it is descripted as VE Bus and seems be rather (rs232?) com port for maybe some kind of adapters.
We can support Modbus RTU (Rs485) devices, which reply for requests from LAN  Controller on knowing register addresses.
As a Modbus TCP our device works as a sensor for typical PLC controllers.
(08-24-2022, 04:43 PM)notek napisał(a):
(08-23-2022, 10:37 AM)maxvatar napisał(a): Hello all,

I wonder if there is anybody with practical experience of connecting LK3 (SW1.49d | HW3.8) to Victron Modbus. So far I think there is only possible to use "custom" module and raw TCP.

Thanks for any info in advance.
Best regrads

Hi maxvatar
Can you explain me more what  this Victron Modbus exactly is?
As I found in their materials it is descripted as VE Bus and seems be rather (rs232?) com port for maybe some kind of adapters.
We can support Modbus RTU (Rs485) devices, which reply for requests from LAN  Controller on knowing register addresses.
As a Modbus TCP our device works as a sensor for typical PLC controllers.

Hi notek,

the link to manual is https://www.victronenergy.com/live/ccgx:modbustcp_faq.
I also attach XLS file with Modbus registers.

Is this enough for you to say, that Tinycontrol could be capable to connect to Victron GX module?

Thank you in advance.

Have a nice day.


Załączone pliki
.xlsx   CCGX-Modbus-TCP-register-list-2.80.xlsx (Rozmiar: 47.33 KB / Pobrań: 322)
I like to use TC as well with Victron, it needs to have TCP client for modbus
Hello janekx,

I bought this https://www.victronenergy.com/accessorie...-interface. It should be connected to Victron CerboGX USB port. The other side should go to https://tinycontrol.pl/en/accessories/bo...odbus-rtu/ - I plan to connect only A+, B- (so without Rx, Tx, aux power +3.3V). I'll let you know, if it works.
(10-10-2022, 01:09 PM)maxvatar napisał(a): Hello janekx,

I bought this https://www.victronenergy.com/accessorie...-interface. It should be connected to Victron CerboGX USB port. The other side should go to https://tinycontrol.pl/en/accessories/bo...odbus-rtu/ - I plan to connect only A+, B- (so without Rx, Tx, aux power +3.3V). I'll let you know, if it works.

Hi i setup Cerbo GX for NodeRED from 2.91 it is in update and now can send MODBUS TCP by LAN so only issue to find some MODBUS TCP clinet to PWM or level 0-10V to control. TinyControl is not modbus TCP client Sad Right now i cant use RS485 or USB as both devices are on diferent site of house. 

But your try will be interesting as well fot other applications.

(10-10-2022, 05:11 PM)janekx napisał(a):
(10-10-2022, 01:09 PM)maxvatar napisał(a): Hello janekx,

I bought this https://www.victronenergy.com/accessorie...-interface. It should be connected to Victron CerboGX USB port. The other side should go to https://tinycontrol.pl/en/accessories/bo...odbus-rtu/ - I plan to connect only A+, B- (so without Rx, Tx, aux power +3.3V). I'll let you know, if it works.

Hi i setup Cerbo GX for NodeRED from 2.91 it is in update and now can send MODBUS TCP by LAN so only issue to find some MODBUS TCP clinet to PWM or level 0-10V to control. TinyControl is not modbus TCP client Sad Right now i cant use RS485 or USB as both devices are on diferent site of house. 

But your try will be interesting as well fot other applications.

Or use LAN to RS485 and tinycontrol
Well in trap whe i use off/on/pwm board i cant use RS485 board to user modbus  RTU
Hi janekx,
sad true. I use only this https://www.ledats.pl/en/kontrolazasilan...-only.html on my LK3, so I have a space to connect it.
One could say that it would be good idea to be able to chain-connect more LK3 together ;-).
(10-12-2022, 06:15 PM)maxvatar napisał(a): Hi janekx,
sad true. I use only this https://www.ledats.pl/en/kontrolazasilan...-only.html on my LK3, so I have a space to connect it.
One could say that it would be a good idea to be able to chain-connect more LK3 together ;-). happy wheels game
Rgds Tom
Can you explain how to connect them together?
(01-16-2023, 04:44 AM)shearscordage napisał(a):
(10-12-2022, 06:15 PM)maxvatar napisał(a): Hi janekx,
sad true. I use only this https://www.ledats.pl/en/kontrolazasilan...-only.html on my LK3, so I have a space to connect it.
One could say that it would be a good idea to be able to chain-connect more LK3 together ;-). happy wheels game
Rgds Tom
Can you explain how to connect them together?

Hello Shearcordage,
so far I was not able to find working setup. Victron CerboGX supports modbus over ethernet while LK3 does not (or at least i don't know about it).

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