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Problem z e-mail
Ustawienie serwera e-mail bez szyfrowania. Zwykłe uwierzytelnianie na porcie 587 dla SMTP. Poniższy komunikat pojawia się w logach serwera pocztowego.
2023-11-02 SMTP protocol error in "AUTH LOGIN" H=[185.xx.xx.xx] AUTH command used when not advertised

"The 503 AUTH command used when not advertised essentially explains itself, it didn't offer the client the option to use the AUTH command. This is most likely because the client used HELO rather than EHLO (which I would note you used when you did your telnet test"

Wiadomości w tym wątku
Problem z e-mail - przez Pawel - 11-02-2023, 10:03 PM
RE: Problem z e-mail - przez wilkxt - 11-25-2023, 11:19 PM
RE: Problem z e-mail - przez stAch - 12-03-2023, 08:58 PM
RE: Problem z e-mail - przez wilkxt - 12-04-2023, 01:04 AM

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