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Feature request - Wersja do druku

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Feature request - coolex - 03-05-2025

I am using LKs for various projects and I would like have the option in INPA to specify that the Multiplier is to be applied after Calibration (now it is before in SW 1.24 | HW 4.0).
Or define a static value (INT that LK would remember even after restart) that I could use for calculations in combination with DIFF. 

Currently I solve this by:
- setting INPA1 Callibration offset
- setting INPA3 as R=0.1 and setting the number I need for multiplication in Calibration
- in DIFF1 setting INPA1 * INPA3

If this functions already there a I just overlooked it, or for this is different magic i am sorry.

Thank you, Kuba